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167 Hongkong Middle Road,
Qingdao 266071, China

Quote Number Q-0201
Quote Date 2019-04-23
Total $761.25
SGarg Global

- Subject to US import taxes and duties as per costs.

- Transit time: 30 days as from cargo receipt at origin till FBA delivery

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Freight

to ship 500 units of my product, 50 master cartons which are 54x30x21CM and 4.8 KG each. I wish to ship them from my suppliers factory which is at “NO. 8 Hongwan Rd. Hongwan industrial zone, xiangzhou district, Zhuhai City, China, 519060 and have them shipped to an Amazon FBA warehouse ONT8 at 24300 Nandina Avenue, Moreno Valley, California 92551

1 US import customs entry/bond
1 PayPal fee - 5% ** Ignore this line if you don not pay via PayPal. ** $725.00-95.00%$36.25
Sub Total $761.25
Tax $0.00
Total $761.25